Letter 2 - The test

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Whenever I see myself going to compulsively reply to a sin's obsession demand, at a point of time, where "pathetic" is the only description if I answered, Yes!

At those moments of test, I remember that you exist, and I remember that God exists. You see, your presence in my life is a token of memory and proof of God's presence, This is because you're my test gift. you're my first step to heavens, to elegance, and to everything holy & precious.

I then watch my thoughts and shout: "What are you going to do? Will you leave yourself go that lowly? is that what you offer in front of God's offer?
I then find myself with a limitless power of jelousy.

Yes, I never told you that before; I'm a very jealous person & I'm so selfish in jealousy, I don't accept sharing at all, not about my belongings, but about my earnings; and about the people I earn to have in my life.

As I want you to be the only one who deserve me, I want to be the only one who deserves you as well, and this jealously is my only motivation for development, I consume this energy as I move forward and push myself to be better everyday.

For you, I present Jandidite the most rare gemstone.

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